Admining Rules and Procedures
Admining Rules and Procedures
1. Your admin rights are a privilege granted to those who support the community, as such this privilege will be
- removed if abused.
2. Warnings, Kicks, and Bans MUST have a short, professional description for the reason. 3. At no time should an Admin/Member cause/engage in arguments, trading of insults, or any other behavior that
- the community deems unprofessional or dishonorable.
4. Never accuse a player of cheating or hacking without 100% proof. 5. Gliching is immediately BANABLE ( screen shots would be nice) 6. Banning is not to be done lightly, it should be reserved for the worst offenders, refer Bans to a Sr.Officer when
- possible.
7. Your responsibility's as an ADMIN is to uphold the community's number one rule, enforce the server rules and
- ensure good game play on our servers.
8. As an ADMIN you MUST set the standard for the other players, you have the good name of OUR community in
- your hands.